The Gospel of Jesus-Christ

    The phrase The Gospel of Jesus Christ means "Good News" for humanity... and for you! Although there is much news considered good in this World, the Gospel is without a doubt the best of all, as it is God's gift to each one of us.

    Because of sin, man fell short of the glory of God. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is that God sent Jesus (his only begotten Son) to Earth to pay with death on the cross for the sins of all those who believe in Him as the only personal and eternal Savior. Jesus Christ rose from the dead and is in heaven with God the Father. Thus, Jesus Christ provided the only possible way by which man can reestablish fellowship with God.

    To become a Born Again Christian it is necessary to put complete trust through faith in Jesus Christ, accepting that the Son of God fully paid for our sins. This repairs our relationship with God. It is also necessary for Jesus Christ to send his Holy Spirit to fill us, teach us, guide us, changing us into authentic children of God, both in faith and in works.

    God is Holy (without sin and without evil) and the infinite Creator of all things. Jesus Christ came into the world in full divinity (as God) and full humanity (as man).

    IF YOU WISH TO BE SAVED: you must recognize that you are a sinner, repent of your sins, ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins, and accept Him as your only Lord and Savior.